Saturday, March 12, 2011

The night before...

the first day of Sunday School.

Yes, it is the first Sunday in Lent. Yes, we have offered other formation programs, but not very well.

Yes, it is also daylight saving time.

Yes, I am totally screwed and will need an iv drip of java.

However, I know three things:

Nothing and no one is ever too late for God.

I have 2 rocking teachers along with my fine, if somewhat lame, self. They are just as loved and loving of God as I and equally okay with jumping in somewhat half-assed.

Tomorrow afternoon will involve wine and sunshine.

Shalom, ya'll!

1 comment:

Di said...

The best reprimand I've ever gotten: Do you think that you need to do everything perfectly for God to work?

I know you: You do not think that, and applause for you.

Can't wait to hear how it went.